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Sudbury Schools In the Media

Trillium School uproots into larger facility
North Kitsap Herald - July 28, 2007

One of the newest schools in North Kitsap is already in motion, moving into a new facility that will accommodate its immediate and future needs. The Trillium School is in the process of transitioning from its original location - a private residence in Indianola - to the defunct Indianola Firehouse at the intersection of Kitsap Street and Indianola Road.

No assignments. No tests. No grades. It's "no problem" for Bothell school.
Seattle Times - April 1, 2007

The Trillium School is mentioned in a front-page story in the Seattle Times about our sister school, The Clearwater School

Self direction to guide education at Trillium School
North Kitsap Herald - September 2, 2006

Given the opportunity, kids will do amazing things. With that thought in mind, the founders of the Trillium School, an ages 3-19 school set to open early Set. 6 in Indianola, are wondering why children are forced into a public education system laden with such a regimented structure that individuality, self-direction and passion are subliminally squelched out.

Indianola school receives gifts from the garden
North Kitsap Herald - August 9, 2006

Stepping onto the path, bright, sweet smelling flowers brush delicately against faces, arms and legs. Different statues greet guests around each corner, and bees buzz through the colors as they collect pollen. Residents of Indianola and beyond seemed to relax even before they neared such locales Aug. 5 during garden tours hosted by those with green thumbs in Indianola.

Trillium School brings new educational opportunity to North Kitsap
Kingston Community News - April 28, 2006

It sounds a bit shocking at first: a school with no predetermined curriculum in which each student decides what to study and when. In addition, each student has one vote - the same as staff members - and participates with full equality in every decision of day-to-day school management. Digging a bit deeper, however, one discovers that the Trillium School, a non-profit private school scheduled to open in North Kitsap this September, is based on the Sudbury model with its 36-year history of effective education in more than 40 schools worldwide.

Education: Class Dismissed  **Recommended**
Psychology Today - May/June 2006

Summary: It's every modern parent's worst nightmare-a school where kids can play all day. But no one takes the easy way out, and graduates seem to have a head start on the information age. Welcome to Sudbury Valley.

Learning on Their Own Terms
The Washington Post - April 24, 2006

Between Rollerblade aerials and rail slides, Justin Reed described how he landed at a school that lets him do whatever he wants all day long.

He burned out on high-powered Eleanor Roosevelt High School in his home town of Greenbelt. Lost interest in the college track. Despised cafeteria food. By 11th grade, he was ready to drop out.

"I just really hated school, and Roosevelt brought that out of me," the 19-year-old said one spring afternoon next to an iron handrail that doubled as a launching slope. "Being told what to do and what to learn. Having to do homework. Grades. Grade levels. Everything that this school stands against."

Voices from the New American Schoolhouse
A film about Fairhaven School in MD

Voices from the New American Schoolhouse explores life outside the usual educational box. Narrated exclusively by students, the film chronicles life and learning at the Fairhaven School in Upper Marlboro, MD which practices an undiluted form of freedom and democracy that turns mainstream education theory on its head. Filmmaker Danny Mydlack enjoyed unrestricted access over a two-year period to produce this candid and unblinking encounter with kid-powered learning. This movie is for anyone who ever went to school and imagined something better.

Film Website
10 minute Trailer

South Bay School Boasts No Grades, No Tests
NBC11 News San Jose, CA - May 10, 2006

Some South Bay parents don't have to worry about their children ever receiving a bad grade on a report card. That's because the school their children attend doesn't give grades -- or tests. They don't even have teachers.

Cedarwood Sudbury School is a small private school in Santa Clara with some pretty big ideas that challenge the notion of a traditional education.